What Is SEO In Digital Marketing?

SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization, is a process that helps sites be seen by people searching for specific terms.

It helps the website to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). In simple words, it means increasing the number of visitors to your site. The impact of SEO can also be easily judged by the fact that, on average, out of every three people who search for any term or keyword on Google, one will click the first link displayed on SERPs.

SEO helps increase your visibility online, which means you can reach more audiences and get more business opportunities. It also helps to drive more organic traffic to your website or blog. When your site ranks high on SERPs, it is easy for people to find it through search engines.


SEO can be considered as one of the sub-branches of digital marketing.

Many other techniques work well with SEO and ultimately help you increase your website’s visibility and ranking. Some of the different techniques that work well with SEO and can help you in increasing traffic to your site are:

Content Marketing: It includes writing articles, blogging, press releases, distributing content through other websites and social media channels. There is no doubt that quality content is always appreciated by users and search engines alike.

Social Media Marketing: It helps you to increase traffic and rankings by increasing your brand’s visibility. One needs to create attractive social media pages and update them regularly with the right kind of content.

Email Marketing: With this technique, one can easily communicate with customers and send updates through newsletters. Emails also serve as reminders to users and encourage them to visit your site.

PPC or Pay Per Click Marketing: This is an effective strategy that allows you to get traffic immediately by paying the search engine for each click on your ad. However, it should not be considered as a long-term solution.

These are some of the other techniques that can help increase the visibility and rankings of your website. Using them can help you in getting quality traffic to your site and ultimately lead to revenue generation.

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